Ocean Wave

This painting, which is called Ocean Wave, was inspired by the idea of an ocean beach and watching the tides come in.

Whenever I make a painting I want people to be able to look at it and feel something. I like the idea of people being able to be taken to new places in their own minds and awakening their imagination whenever they see my paintings. One thing this painting makes me think about is walking on a beach watching the tides come in and feeling the soft salty breeze from the ocean on my face.

The process for this painting took a little more struggling than usual but as always it was worth the hard work. The first part of my creative process, when it comes to creating a new painting, basically involves me trying to decide what colors I wan't to use and what feeling or mood I want to give the painting. For this pice I wanted to challenge myself again and try something I hadn't done before and I was thinking a lot about colors and what colors I hadn't used yet. I wanted to create something using new colors that I hadn't used before but it seemed like I had used just about every basic color I could think of at least once in a painting. I thought really hard about all my previous painting that I had done and I tried to think of some colors that I hadn't used yet but I couldn't think of anything. Then I tried actually looking at the paintings that I had already done and I still couldn't think of anything so after a lot of frustration I decide to go back to my mental color wheel. I like to start with the three primary colors when I begin a new painting because that's where all other possible colors come from. It seemed like I had use every color of the rainbow at least once. I felt like there just weren't enough colors in the rainbow. I wanted more colors. For the first time the colors of a rainbow never seemed more colorless and dull. I wanted something that was completely impossible and I wanted brand new colors to simply be added to the color wheel.

I was at creative block and then it hit me; Blue! I had used a lot of blue in my paintings to mix with other colors so that I could get the color I wanted but I haha never really dedicated a painting to just blue! So as I started to think about the color blue I immediately thought about the ocean, and the slow tides coming up the beach, foamy pools of water, and a soft salty breeze.

The form I wanted for the painting only had to be redone about two times so it came pretty easily. The specific colors I ended up with on the other hand where a lot harder to come up with. I had the idea and color that I wanted to use so I got some blue and white paint and I started experimenting with the color blue. I started mixing the colors to see what types of blues I could get and I realized that getting the right types of blue that I wanted wasn't going to as easy as I had hoped. I spent nearly two weeks in frustration because I just couldn't get the right blue I wanted. At this point I started to get very nervous about rather or not I would be able to finish this painting. I'd never given up on a painting before a definitely didn't want to start now. I could get the colors I wanted and it seemed hopeless but I just couldn't bring myself to give up on this painting. I was committed but I started to questions my talent as artist. The thing that kept going through my head was, "what would this mean if I couldn't do this?" I didn't like the idea that my abilities as an artist could be limited. I had hoped that all the other paintings I had done had been completed because of talent but what if I just got lucky on all those and all my luck had just run out?

I was about to give up when I realized that I had two really small tubes of light blue paint  and it was exactly the color I wanted but the thing was I wasn't sure if it would be enough for my whole painting. I didn't want to give up on this painting and the small amount of paint was my only chance to finish this painting so I decided that I would just have to ration out what I had to finish my painting. I didn't want to accept the possibility that I've just been getting lucky with all my paintings. In the end the two small tubes of paint turned out to be just enough paint for me to finish my painting and I ended up using every last drop of the paint for my painting.

It looks like hard work and commitment really does pay off.

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Title: Ocean Wave
Medium: Acrylic Paint
Year: 2016
Original Painting: Sold


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